Active Rails

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In chapter 3, you began writing stories for a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) interface for your Project resource. Here you continue in that vein, beginning with writing a story for the r part of CRUD: reading. We often refer to reading as viewing in this and future chapters—we mean the same thing, but sometimes viewing is a better word.

For the remainder of the chapter, you’ll round out the CRUD interface for projects, providing your users with ways to edit, update, and delete projects too. Best of all, you’ll do this using behavior-driven development (BDD) the whole way through, continuing your use of the RSpec and Capybara gems that we saw in use in the last chapter. This chapter’s length is testament to exactly how quickly you can get some CRUD actions up and running on a resource with Ruby on Rails.

Also in this chapter, you’ll see a way to create test data extremely easily for your tests, using a gem called factory_bot, as well as a way to make standard controllers a lot neater.

Viewing projects

The show action generated for the story in chapter 3 was only half of this part of CRUD. The other part is the index action, which is responsible for showing a list of all of the projects. From this list, you can navigate to the show action for a particular project. The next story is about adding functionality to allow you to do that.

Create a new file in the features directory called spec/features/viewing_projects_spec.rb, shown in the following listing.

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.feature "Users can view projects" do
  scenario "with the project details" do
    project = FactoryBot.create(:project, name: "Visual Studio Code")

    visit "/"
    click_link "Visual Studio Code"
    expect(page.current_url).to eq project_url(project)

To run this single test, you can use bundle exec rspec spec/features/viewing_projects_spec.rb. When you do this, you’ll see the following failure:

1) Users can view projects with the project details
   Failure/Error: project = FactoryBot.create(:project,
   name: "Visual Studio Code")
     uninitialized constant FactoryBot

The FactoryBot constant is defined by another gem: the factory_bot gem.

Introducing Factory Bot

The factory_bot gem, created by thoughtbot (, provides an easy way to use factories to create new objects for your tests. Factories define a bunch of default values for an object, allowing you to easily craft example objects you can use in your tests.

Before you can use this gem, you need to add it to the :test group in your Gemfile. Now the entire group looks like this:

group :test do
  gem "capybara"
  gem "factory_bot_rails", "~> 6.2"

To install the gem, run bundle. With the factory_bot_rails gem installed, the FactoryBot constant is now defined. Run bundle exec rspec spec/features/viewing_projects_spec.rb again, and you’ll see a new error:

1) Users can view projects with the project details
   Failure/Error: project = FactoryBot.create(:project,
   name: "Visual Studio Code")
     Factory not registered: project

When using Factory Bot, you must create a factory for each model you wish to use the gem with. If a factory isn’t registered with Factory Bot, you’ll get the previous error. To register/create a factory, create a new directory in the spec directory called factories, and then in that directory create a new file called projects.rb. Fill that file with the content from the following listing.

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :project do
    name { "Example project" }

When you define the factory in this file, you give it a name attribute, so that every new project generated by the factory via FactoryBot.create :project will have the name "Example project". The name: "Visual Studio Code" part of this method call in spec/features/viewing_projects_spec.rb changes the name for that instance to the one passed in. You use factories here because you don’t need to be concerned about any other attribute on the Project object. If you weren’t using factories, you’d just create the project the way you would anywhere else, like in the console:

Project.create(name: "Visual Studio Code")

Although this code is about the same length as its FactoryBot.create variant, it isn’t future proof. If you were to add another field to the projects table and add a validation (say, a presence one) for that field, you’d have to change all occurrences of the create method in your tests to contain this new field. Over time, as your Project model gets more and more attributes, the actual information that you care about — in this case, the name — would get lost in amongst all of the unrelated data. When you use a factory, you can change it in one place: where the factory is defined. If you cared about what that field was set to, you could modify it by passing it as one of the key-value pairs in the Factory call.

That’s a lot of theory—how about some practice? Let’s see what happens when you run bundle exec rspec spec/features/viewing_projects_spec.rb again:

1) Users can view projects with the project details
   Failure/Error: click_link "Visual Studio Code"
     Unable to find link "Visual Studio Code"

A link appears to be missing. You’ll add that right now.

Capybara is expecting a link on the page with the words "Visual Studio Code", but can’t find it. The page in question is the homepage, which is the index action from your ProjectsController. Capybara can’t find it because you haven’t yet put it there, which is what you’ll do now. Open app/views/projects/index.html.erb and change the contents to the following:


<%= link_to "New Project", new_project_path %>

<div class="projects">
  <% @projects.each do |project| %>
    <h2><%= link_to, project %></h2>
    <p><%= project.description %></p>
  <% end %>

We’ve added a heading, and some details on each of the projects. If you run the spec again, you get this error, which isn’t helpful at first glance:

1) Users can view projects with the project details
   Failure/Error: visit "/"
     undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
   # ./app/views/projects/index.html.erb:6:in ...

This error points at line 6 of your app/views/projects/index.html.erb file, which reads <% @projects.each do |project| %>. From this you can determine that the error must have something to do with the @projects variable. This variable hasn’t yet been defined, and as mentioned in Chapter 3, instance variables in Ruby return nil rather than raise an exception. So because @projects is nil, and there’s no each method on nil, you get this error undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass. Watch out for this in Ruby—as you can see here, it can sting you hard.

We need to define this variable in the index action of our controller. Open ProjectsController at app/controllers/projects_controller.rb, and change the index method definition to look like this.

index action of ProjectsController
def index
  @projects = Project.all

By calling all on the Project model, you retrieve all the records from the database as Project objects, and they’re available as an enumerable Array-like object. Now that you’ve put all the pieces in place, you can run the feature with bundle exec rspec spec/features/viewing_projects_spec.rb, and it should pass:

1 example, 0 failures

The spec now passes. Is everything else still working, though? You can check by running bundle exec rspec. Rather than just running the one test, this code runs all the tests in the spec directory. When you run the code, you should see this:

3 examples, 0 failures

All the specs are passing, meaning all the functionality you’ve written so far is working as it should. Commit your changes and push them to GitHub, using these commands:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add the ability to view a list of all projects"
$ git push

The reading part of this CRUD resource is done! You’ve got the index and show actions for the ProjectsController behaving as they should. Now you can move on to updating.

Editing projects

With the first two parts of CRUD (creating and reading) done, you’re ready for the third part: updating. Updating is similar to creating and reading in that it has two actions for each part (creation has new and create; reading has index and show). The two actions for updating are edit and update. Let’s begin by writing a feature and creating the edit action.

The edit action

As with the form used for creating new projects, you want a form that allows users to edit the information of a project that already exists. You first put an "Edit Project" link on the show page, that takes users to the edit action where they can edit the project. Write the code from the following listing into spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb.

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.feature "Users can edit existing projects" do
  scenario "with valid attributes" do
    FactoryBot.create(:project, name: "Visual Studio Code")

    visit "/"
    click_link "Visual Studio Code"
    click_link "Edit Project"
    fill_in "Name", with: "VS Code"
    click_button "Update Project"

    expect(page).to have_content "Project has been updated."
    expect(page).to have_content "VS Code"

If you remember, FactoryBot#create builds you an entire object and lets you tweak the defaults. In this case, you’re changing the name.

Also, it’s common for tests to take this overall form: arrange, act, assert. (This is also referred to as 'given', 'when', and 'then', to describe the actions that take place in each section.) That’s why the whitespace is there: it clearly splits the test. Your tests won’t always look like this, but it’s good form.

After writing this story, again use the rspec command to run just this one feature: bundle exec rspec spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb. The first couple of lines for this scenario pass because of the work you’ve already done, but it fails on the line that attempts to find the "Edit Project" link:

1) Users can edit existing projects with valid attributes
   Failure/Error: click_link "Edit Project"
     Unable to find link "Edit Project"

To add this link, open app/views/projects/show.html.erb and add the link under the heading for the project name:

<h1><%= %></h1>

<%= link_to "Edit Project", edit_project_path(@project) %>

The edit_project_path method generates a link pointing towards the edit action of the ProjectsController. This method is provided to you because of the resources :projects line in config/routes.rb.

If you run bundle exec rspec spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb again, it now complains about the missing edit action:

1) Users can edit existing projects with valid attributes
   Failure/Error: click_link "Edit Project"
     The action 'edit' could not be found for ProjectsController

Define this action in your ProjectsController, under the show action (but above the private line), as in the following listing.

def edit
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])

As you can see, this action works in a fashion identical to the show action, where the ID for the resource is automatically passed as params[:id]. Let’s work on DRYing[1] this up once you’re done with this controller. When you run the spec again, you’re told that the edit view is missing:

1) Users can edit existing projects with valid attributes
  Failure/Error: click_link "Edit Project"

    ProjectsController#edit is missing a template for request formats: text/html

It looks like you need to create this template. The edit action’s form is similar to the form in the new action. If only there were a way to extract out just the form into its own template. Well, in Rails, there is! You can extract out the form from app/views/projects/new.html.erb into what’s called a partial. We saw these briefly in Chapter 1.

A partial is a template that contains some code that can be shared between other templates. To extract the form from the new template into a new partial, take this code out of app/views/projects/new.html.erb:

<%= form_with(model: @project) do |form| %>
  <% if @project.errors.any? %>
  <div id="error_explanation">
    <h2><%= pluralize(@project.errors.count, "error") %>
    prohibited this project from being saved:</h2>

      <% @project.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
        <li><%= msg %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
    <%= form.label :name %>
    <%= form.text_field :name %>

    <%= form.label :description %>
    <%= form.text_field :description %>

  <%= form.submit %>
<% end %>

This will leave the new template looking pretty bare, with just the heading. Then create a new file called app/views/projects/_form.html.erb and put into it the code you just extracted from the new template. While moving it, you should also change all instances of @project to be project instead.

<%= form_with(model: project) do |form| %>
  <% if project.errors.any? %>
  <div id="error_explanation">
    <h2><%= pluralize(project.errors.count, "error") %>
    prohibited this project from being saved:</h2>

      <% project.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
        <li><%= msg %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
    <%= form.label :name %>
    <%= form.text_field :name %>

    <%= form.label :description %>
    <%= form.text_area :description %>

  <%= form.submit %>
<% end %>

The filenames of partials must always start with an underscore, which is why we’ve written _form instead of form.

Why have we done this variable renaming? Because to be reusable, partial views shouldn’t rely on instance variables - they should be totally self-sufficient. When we render the partial from our main view, we can pass in the data that the partial needs to render - in this case, we’ll pass in the @project variable from the new template, which means it will be accessible as a local variable from within the partial.

To render the partial and pass in the @project instance, modify your new template in app/views/projects/new.html.erb and add this line where the form previously was:

<%= render "form", project: @project %>

This will leave your new template very slim indeed:

The complete new template
<h1>New Project</h1>
<%= render "form", project: @project %>

This is an example of a refactoring - changing the internals of code without affecting functionality. You can confirm that this refactoring has not affected the ability to create projects, by running the test for it - bundle exec rspec spec/features/creating_projects_spec.rb. It will still pass, so you can be very confident that everything still works.

Now you need to create the edit action’s template. Create a new file at app/views/projects/edit.html.erb with this content.

<h1>Edit Project</h1>
<%= render "form", project: @project %>

When you pass a string to the render method, Rails looks up a partial in the same directory as the current template matching the string and renders that instead. Using the partial, the next line passes without any further intervention from you when you run bundle exec rspec spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb.

1) Users can edit existing projects with valid attributes
   Failure/Error: click_button "Update Project"
     The action 'update' could not be found for ProjectsController

The test has filled in the "Name" field successfully; but it fails when the "Update Project" button is clicked, because it can’t find the update action in the ProjectsController. To make this work, you’ll need to create that update action.

The update action

As the following listing shows, you can now define update under the edit action in your controller. Make sure to do this above the private keyword too!

def update
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])

  flash[:notice] = "Project has been updated."
  redirect_to @project

Notice the new method on @project here, update. It takes a hash of attributes identical to the ones passed to new or create, updates those specified attributes on the object, and then saves them to the database if they’re valid. This method, like save, returns true if the update is valid or false if it isn’t.

Now that you’ve implemented the update action, let’s see how the test is going by running bundle exec rspec spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb:

1 example, 0 failures

That was easy! But what happens if somebody fills in the "Name" field with a blank value? The user should receive an error, just as in the create action, due to the validation in the Project model. You should write a test to verify this behaviour.

Move the first four steps from the first scenario in spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb into a before block, because when a user is editing a project, the first four steps will always be the same: a project needs to exist, and then a user goes to the homepage, finds a project, and clicks "Edit Project". Change spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb so it looks like this.

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.feature "Users can edit existing projects" do
  before do
    FactoryBot.create(:project, name: "Visual Studio Code")

    visit "/"
    click_link "Visual Studio Code"
    click_link "Edit Project"

  scenario "with valid attributes" do
    fill_in "Name", with: "Visual Studio Code Nightly"
    click_button "Update Project"

    expect(page).to have_content "Project has been updated."
    expect(page).to have_content "Visual Studio Code Nightly"

A before block can help set up state for multiple tests: the block runs before each test executes. Sometimes, setting up is more than just creating objects; interacting with an application is totally legitimate as part of setup.

Defining behaviour for when an update fails

Now you can add a new scenario, shown in the following listing, to test that the user is shown an error message for when the validations fail during the update action. Add this new scenario directly under the one currently in this file.

scenario "when providing invalid attributes" do
  fill_in "Name", with: ""
  click_button "Update Project"

  expect(page).to have_content "Project has not been updated."

When you run bundle exec rspec spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb, filling in "Name" works, but when the form is submitted, the test doesn’t see the "Project has not been updated." message:

1) Users can edit existing projects when providing invalid attributes
   Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content "Project has not been
     expected to find text "Project has not been updated." in "Project
     has been updated. Visual Studio Code Edit Project"

The test can’t find the message on the page because you haven’t written any code to test for what to do if the project being updated is now invalid. In your controller, use the code in the following listing for the update action so that it shows the error message if the update method returns false.

The update action of ProjectsController
def update
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])

  if @project.update(project_params)
    flash[:notice] = "Project has been updated."
    redirect_to @project
  else[:alert] = "Project has not been updated."
    render "edit"

And now you can see that the feature passes when you rerun bundle exec rspec spec/features/editing_projects_spec.rb:

2 examples, 0 failures

Again, you should ensure that everything else is still working by running bundle exec rspec. You should see this summary:

5 examples, 0 failures

Looks like a great spot to make a commit and push:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Projects can now be updated"
$ git push

The third part of CRUD, updating, is done now. The fourth and final part is deleting.

Deleting projects

We’ve reached the final stage of CRUD: deletion. This involves implementing the final action of your controller: the destroy action, which allows you to delete projects.

Of course, you’ll need a feature to get going: a "Delete Project" link on the show page that, when clicked, prompts the user for confirmation that they really want to delete the project.[2] Put the feature at spec/features/deleting_projects_spec.rb using the code in the following listing.

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.feature "Users can delete projects" do
  scenario "successfully" do
    FactoryBot.create(:project, name: "Visual Studio Code")

    visit "/"
    click_link "Visual Studio Code"
    click_button "Delete Project"

    expect(page).to have_content "Project has been deleted."
    expect(page.current_url).to eq projects_url
    expect(page).to have_no_content "Visual Studio Code"

When you run this test using bundle exec rspec spec/features/deleting_projects_spec.rb, the first couple of lines pass because they’re just creating a project using Factory Bot, visiting the homepage, and then clicking the link to go to the project page. The fourth line in this scenario fails, however, with this message:

1) Users can delete projects successfully
   Failure/Error: click_button "Delete Project"
     Unable to find button "Delete Project"

To get this to work, you need to add a "Delete Project" button to the show action’s template, app/views/projects/show.html.erb. Put it on the line after the "Edit Project" link, using this code:

<%= button_to "Delete Project",
    method: :delete,
    form: { data: { turbo_confirm: 'Are you sure?' } }
"Turbo" confirm vs regular confirm

Rails 7 includes a framework called "Turbo" that accelerates page loads and transitions. In order to make this confirmation box work within this new Turbo-powered Rails world, we need to use turbo_confirm. Earlier versions of Rails might contain code like this:

<%= button_to "Delete Project",
    method: :delete,
    data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }

However, this will not show the "Are you sure?" confirmation message on newer Rails applications. We include that small example here as just one representation of how Rails has evolved over time.

If there are big differences like this further on in the book, we’ll call them out in a similar way simply because there’s no guarantee that every Rails application you’ll work on is using the latest and greatest that Rails can offer.

Here you pass two new options to the button_to method: :method and :data. The :method option tells Rails what HTTP method this link should be using, and here’s where you specify the :delete method. In the previous chapter, the four HTTP methods were mentioned; the final one is DELETE. When you developed your first application, chapter 1 explained why you use the DELETE method, but let’s review the reasons.

If all actions are available by GET requests, then anybody can create a URL that directly corresponds to the destroy action of your controller. If they send you the link, and you click it, then it’s bye-bye precious data. By using DELETE, you protect an important route for your controller by ensuring that you have to follow the correct link from your site, to make the proper request to delete this resource.

The :data option containing a :confirm key brings up a prompt, using JavaScript, that asks users if they’re sure that’s what they want to do. If you launch a browser and follow the steps in the feature to get to this "Delete Project" button, and then you click the button, you see the confirmation prompt. This prompt is exceptionally helpful for preventing accidental deletions.

Because Capybara doesn’t support JavaScript by default, the prompt is ignored, so you don’t have to tell Capybara to click "OK" in response to the prompt—there is no prompt, because Rails has a built-in fallback for users without JavaScript enabled.

When you run the spec again with bundle exec rspec spec/features/deleting_projects_spec.rb, it complains of a missing destroy action:

1) Users can delete projects successfully
   Failure/Error: click_button "Delete Project"
     The action 'destroy' could not be found for ProjectsController

This is the final action you need to implement in your controller; it goes under the update action. The action is shown in the following listing.

The destroy action from ProjectsController
def destroy
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])

  flash[:notice] = "Project has been deleted."
  redirect_to projects_path

Here you call the destroy method on the @project object you get back from your find call. No validations are run, so no conditional setup is needed. Once you call destroy on that object, the relevant database record is gone for good; but the Ruby object representation of this record still exists until the end of the request. After the record has been deleted from the database, you set the flash[:notice] to indicate to the user that their action was successful, and redirect back to the projects index page by using the projects_path routing helper in combination with redirect_to.

With this last action in place, your newest feature should pass when you run bundle exec rspec spec/features/deleting_projects_spec.rb:

1 example, 0 failures

Let’s see if everything else is still passing, with bundle exec rspec:

6 examples, 0 failures

Great! Let’s commit that:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Projects can now be deleted"
$ git push

Done! Now you have full support for CRUD operations in your ProjectsController. Let’s refine this controller into simpler code before we move on.

What happens when things can’t be found

People sometimes poke around an application looking for things that are no longer there, or they muck about with the URL. As an example, launch your application’s server by using rails server, and try to navigate to http://localhost:3000/projects/not-here. You’ll see the exception shown here:

record not found
Figure 1. ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception

This is Rails' way of displaying exceptions in development mode. Under this error, more information is displayed, such as the backtrace of the error. Rails will only do this in the development environment because of the consider_all_requests_local configuration setting in config/environments/development.rb. This file contains all the custom settings for your development environment, and the consider_all_requests_local setting is true by default. This means Rails will show the complete exception information when it runs in the development environment. When this application is running under the production environment, users would instead see this:

404 page
Figure 2. This is not the page you are looking for

This is not ideal! What we would rather see is a message that the project cannot be found.

not found

Handling the ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception

To handle the ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception, you can rescue it and, rather than letting Rails render a 404 page, redirect the user to the index action with an error message. To test that users are shown an error message rather than a "Page does not exist" error, you’ll write an RSpec request test instead of a feature test, because viewing projects that aren’t there is something a user can do, but not something that should happen over the course of a normal browsing session. Plus, it’s easier.

The file for this request test, spec/requests/projects_request_spec.rb, was automatically generated when you ran the controller generator, because you have the rspec-rails gem in your Gemfile.[3] Open this request spec file:

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "Projects", type: :request do


In this request spec, you want to test that you’re redirected to the Projects page if you attempt to access a resource that no longer exists. You also want to ensure that a flash[:alert] is set.

To do all this, put this it block inside the describe block:

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "/projects", type: :request do
  it "handles a missing project correctly" do
    get project_path("not-here")

    expect(response).to redirect_to(projects_path)

    message = "The project you were looking for could not be found."
    expect(flash[:alert]).to eq message

The first line in this RSpec test tells RSpec to make a GET request to the route /projects/not-here. This route will then be served by the ProjectsController’s `show action.

In the next line, you tell RSpec that you expect the response to take you back to the projects_path through a redirect_to call. If it doesn’t, the test fails, and nothing more in this test is executed: RSpec stops in its tracks.

The final line tells RSpec that you expect flash[:alert] to contain a useful message explaining the redirection to the index action.

To run this spec, use the bundle exec rspec spec/requests/projects_request_spec.rb command. When this runs, you’ll see this error:

1) Projects handles a missing project correctly
   Failure/Error: @project = Project.find(params[:id])
       Couldn't find Project with 'id'=not-here

This is the same failure you saw when you tried running the application using the development environment with rails server. Now that you have a failing test, you can fix it.

Open the app/controllers/projects_controller.rb file, and put the code from the following listing under the private line in the controller.

set_project method in ProjectsController
def set_project
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  flash[:alert] = "The project you were looking for could not be found."
  redirect_to projects_path

Because it’s under the private line, the controller doesn’t respond to this method as an action. To call this method before every action that looks up a project, use the before_action method. Place these lines directly under the class ProjectsController definition:

before_action :set_project, only: %i(show edit update destroy)

What does all this mean? Methods referenced by before_action are run before all the actions in your controller, unless you specify either the :except or :only option. Here you have the :only option, defining actions for which you want before_action to run. The :except option is the opposite of the :only option, specifying the actions for which you don’t want before_action to run. before_action calls the set_project method before the specified actions, setting up the @project variable for you. This means you can remove the following line from your show, edit, update, and destroy actions:

@project = Project.find(params[:id])

By doing this, you make the show and edit actions empty. If you remove these actions from your controller and run bundle exec rspec again, all the scenarios will still pass.

7 examples, 0 failures

Controller actions don’t need to exist in the controllers if there are templates corresponding to those actions, which you have for these actions. For readability’s sake though, it’s best to leave these in the controller so anyone who reads the code knows that the controller can respond to these actions, so put the empty show and edit actions back in. Future you will thank you.

Back to the spec now. If you run bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/projects_controller_spec.rb once more, the test now passes:

1 example, 0 failures

Let’s check to see if everything else is still working by running bundle exec rspec. You should see this:

7 examples, 0 failures

Red-green-refactor! With that out of the way, let’s commit and push:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Redirect the users back to the projects page if they
  try going to a project that does not exist"
$ git push

This completes the basic CRUD implementation for your projects resource. Now you can create, read, update, and delete projects to your heart’s content.


This chapter covered developing the first part of your application using test-first practices with RSpec and Capybara, building it one step at a time. Now you have an application that is truly maintainable. If you want to know if these specs are working later in the project, you can run bundle exec rspec; if something is broken that you’ve written a test for, you’ll know about it. Doesn’t that beat manual testing? Just think of all the time you’ll save in the long run.

You learned firsthand how rapidly you can develop the CRUD interface for a resource in Rails. There are even faster ways to do it (such as by using scaffolding, discussed in Chapter 1); but to absorb how this process works, it’s best to go through it yourself, step by step, as you did in these last two chapters.

So far, you’ve been developing your application using test-first techniques, and as your application grows, it will become more evident how useful these techniques are. The main thing they’ll provide is assurance that what you’ve coded so far still works exactly as it did when you first wrote it. Without these tests, you may accidentally break functionality and not know about it until a user — or worse, a client — reports it. It’s best that you spend some time implementing tests for this functionality now so you don’t spend even more time later apologizing for whatever’s broken and fixing it.

With the basic projects functionality done, you’re ready for the next step. Because you’re building a ticket-tracking application, it makes sense to implement functionality that lets you track tickets, right? That’s precisely what you’ll do in the next chapter. We’ll also cover nested routing and association methods for models. Let’s go!


1. As a reminder: DRY = Don’t Repeat Yourself!
2. Although the test won’t check for this prompt, due to the difficulty in testing JS confirmation boxes in tests.
3. The rspec-rails gem automatically generates the file using a Railtie, the code for which can be found at
© Ryan Bigg, Rebecca Le, Kieran Andrews & Robin Klaus